It was a historic day for Rotary Club of Bandar Sungai Petani when our Rotarian Arvind U Gopi Kumar was installed as District Governor 24-25 of District 3300 Malaysia.
At District Awards Night and Governor's Banquet, RCBSP won multiple awards for the following Community Service Projects :
1. Ladies Entrepreneurial Adventure Development (Top Projects)
2. Lend a Wheel
3. Sanitation for Thaipusam
4. Pertandingan Mewarna untuk Kanak-Kanak Khas "Kami Anak Malaysia"
New Generations Service Projects :
1. Book Donation and Improving School Libraries
The Rotary Foundation Club Awards :
1. 3rd top per capita giving to Annual Fund
2. 3rd top PolioPlus total giving
3. Achieved Every Rotarian Every Year Club Banner
Rotary Club of Bandar Sungai Petani was named an Exemplary Club for achieving Rotary International's Club Excellence Award 23-24