Polio: The Final Push PPT file |
District 3300 TRF Seminar was held on 29th October 2017 at Wisma Tun Sambanthan. It was hosted by Rotary Club of Metro Kuala Lumpur.
A few months ago, I raised the question, "What do the Trustees do, anyway?" I reflected that a critical role of ours is to listen. This month, Rotary Foundation Month, I can happily report that you speak volumes – and that you are heard. The late RI President-elect Sam F. Owori said he saw in Rotarians "an incredible passion to make a difference" and wanted to "harness that enthusiasm and pride so that every project becomes the engine of peace and prosperity." From your letters, reports, and wonderful stories, we know you share Sam's vision of a world where Rotarians unite and take action to create sustainable change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. Last year we saw an increase in the number of global and district grants initiated and another record high in Rotary Peace Fellowship applications. We also saw increased totals in overall giving, reflecting your passion for what we do as "People of Action." A special thanks to Rotary's club and district leaders for providing continuity in all our endeavors. Recognition as the World's Outstanding Foundation by the Association of Fundraising Professionals at its international convention affirms the work you are helping make possible. AFP's committee of judges cited Rotary's comprehensive campaign to eradicate polio as a major factor in the Foundation's selection. To Benefactors, Bequest Society members, and all levels of Major Donors, thank you! You are building financial stability for the future. Our Endowment Fund continues to grow because of your belief in the Foundation and its continually evolving programs. We are well underway with our "Building TRF Endowment: 2025 by 2025" initiative – to achieve $2.025 billion in gifts and commitments by 2025. As one Rotarian to another, from my heart to yours, please accept my personal thanks for your unflagging work and many accomplishments over the years. One of the genuine privileges of serving in a key leadership role in Rotary is being able to continue learning from Rotarian friends as passionate and committed as you. Let us celebrate Rotary Foundation Month together! Paul A. Netzel Trustee Chair 2017-18 Ian H.S. Riseley President 2017-18 November 2017 In many ways, The Rotary Foundation is an invisible presence in our clubs. Most of what we do in our clubs and our districts, on a weekly basis, we do without the active involvement of the Foundation. But our Foundation is invisible in our clubs in the same way the foundation of a building is invisible when you're in it: Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not holding you up. The Foundation that enabled Rotary to take on polio is, in many ways, the foundation upon which our Rotary service is built. For 100 years, since it came into existence with a first donation of $26.50, the Foundation has supported and strengthened our service, enabled our ambitions, and allowed us to be the organization that we are. Because of the Foundation, Rotarians know that if we have the ambition and put in the work, very little is truly beyond us. It is an incredibly effective model that we have here in Rotary, one that no other organization can match. We are completely local and completely global: We have local skills, connections, and knowledge in over 35,000 clubs, in nearly every country of the world. We have a deserved reputation for transparency, effectiveness, and good business practices, and because we are highly skilled professionals as well as volunteers, we achieve a level of efficiency that very few other organizations can approach. To put it simply, a dollar given to The Rotary Foundation has a great deal more muscle than a dollar given to most charities. If you want to spend a dollar on Doing Good in the World, you can't do better than to spend it with the Foundation. That is not just me speaking out of pride; it is verifiably true and is reflected in our rankings by independent organizations. In the Foundation's centennial year, Rotarians surpassed our goal of raising $300 million. If you were part of that achievement, you have been part of something tremendous. Somewhere in the world, someplace you have probably never been, people you may never meet will lead better lives because of you. Ultimately, it is our Foundation that lets us make good on our core beliefs: that we can make a difference, that we have an obligation to do so, and that working together, as well and as efficiently as we can, is the only way to effect real and lasting change. October is the Economic and Community Development Month.
We are in the fourth month of this Rotary year. I have visited 30 clubs to-date. We have several programs lined up this month: 1. 24th October 2017 is the World Polio Day. Many clubs have taken the initiative to do their own events to commemorate World Polio Day. Rotary Club of Damansara Heights KL, is organising the Annual Oktoberfest with the aim of raising funds and creating awareness of Rotary’s End Polio Now Campaign on 28th October 2017 (Saturday) at 7 pm. 2. The TRF Seminar is on 29th October 2017 (Sunday) at 9.00am to 4.30 p.m. at Auditorium Tan Sri Datuk K.R. Soma, Wisma Tun Sambanthan, WPKL. The cost is RM80 per pax. 3. The District Membership Seminar is at the Lost World Hotel Ballroom in Ipoh on 19th November 2017(Sunday). Our membership in the District has risen from 1705 on 1st July 2017 to 1756 as at 3rd October 2017. I hope this trend will continue upwards and strengthen clubs in the District. DISTRICT CONFERENCE 8TH & 9TH DECEMBER 2017. Our District Conference will be held on 8th & 9th December 2017 (Friday & Saturday) at the Sunway Resort Hotel, Petaling Jaya. The cost is RM450 per pax which is inclusive of Fellowship Dinner on Friday and Banquet Dinner on Saturday. This conference is organised by the Rotarians for the Rotarians. The purpose of the conference is to provide opportunities for networking, inspirational addresses, and discussions of Rotary-related matters. The conference should also give Rotarians and clubs a vision of Rotary beyond club level and provide a memorable fellowship experience. Many Rotarians have said that they were never truly enthusiastic about Rotary until they saw an inspirational presentation at a district conference. MID-TERM REVIEW AND ROTARY INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 3300 (MALAYSIA) BERHAD AGM. All Presidents or their representative are required to attend the Mid-Term Review and the AGM on 8th December 2017 (Friday) at 9.00 am till 1 pm at Sunway Resort Hotel. INTERACT CONFERENCE This year’s Interact Conference is being organised by the Rotary Club of Sitiawan on 24th to 26th November 2017. All Rotary clubs are expected to urge their Interactors to attend the same. YAYASAN KELAB-KELAB ROTARY MALAYSIA - COORDINATORS MEET To be effective Yayasan coordinators, the District has appointed all 19 Assistant Governors as coordinators to promote Yayasan’s activities. The Assistant Governors and other coordinators are required to attend the session on 16th December 2017 (Saturday) at 10.30 a.m. at the Rotary Centre, Kelana Jaya. YAYASAN AGM The Annual General Meeting of the Yayasan will be held on 17th December 2017 (Sunday) at 2.00 p.m. at the Rotary centre. All Past District Governors and the board of Trustees are urged to attend this AGM. Dr Manohur Kurup District Governor RY 2017/18 World Polio Day celebrates the last stages of the fight against polio. We are targeting Polio because it's SIGNIFICANT and it's ACHIEVABLE. Rotary started this fight. Let's END it. The World Polio Day show was broadcast live from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation HQ in Seattle, USA. |
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