My Fellow Rotarians,
Happy Rotary New Year!
Welcome to the start of the 2016/17 Rotary year!
I congratulate IPDG Siti Subaidah for taking the district to new heights and have passed the mantel to Sham and I, and in 12 short months we will be doing likewise to DGE Mano and Mangalam!
RI President John Germ has challenged each of us to Serve Humanity through Rotary. Service to Humanity is nothing new to us Rotarians as this has been the main focus of Rotary for the past 111 years.
Rotary members around the globe are serving humanity by providing clean water to underdeveloped communities, promoting peace in conflict areas, and strengthening communities through basic education and literacy. We are also “This Close” to eradicating Polio and can be rightly proud of our Foundation and its successes. Lets us ensure that this will be the year for us to Put an End to this Global disease.
We believe that every club in our district is unique.and the community it serves is also unique. Therefore, all clubs seek out the needs of their communities and provide what they need. Strengthen your clubs, and remember our Rotary Foundation which does so much and promote our image. We, as the District will be there to lend a hand whenever needed.
Finally, on a personal note, I just want to say how humbled and proud my wife Sham and I are to be representing our district as your Governor this year. We have a fantastic district and we are looking forward to getting to know you better and see firsthand some of the great projects and fundraisers you are doing.
So let’s make 2016/17 the best year yet for our Clubs, the communities we serve and our District as we Serve Humanity through Rotary.
Yours in Rotary Service,
All for One and One for All