Friday, 27 May
- Youth Exchange Officers Preconvention | 09:00-17:00
- Youth Exchange Officers Preconvention Banquet (Rotary-ticketed event)
- Young Leaders Summit
- 3K Walk for Peace | 08:30-10:00 | Seoul City Hall Plaza (host-ticketed event)
- House of Friendship | 09:00-18:00
- Youth Exchange Officers Preconvention | 09:00-17:00
- Rotaract Preconvention | 09:00-17:00
- Welcome Festival | 20:00-22:00 | Jamsil Arena (host-ticketed event)
- Rotaract Preconvention | 09:00-12:00
- House of Friendship | 09:00-18:00
- Opening Ceremony – First seating | 10:30-12:30
- Opening Ceremony – Second seating | 13:30-15:30
- Host Hospitality Night | 17:00 (host-ticketed event)
- Korea Symphony Night | 20:00-21:30 | Seoul Arts Center (host-ticketed event)
- House of Friendship | 09:00-18:00
- General Session 2 | 10:00-12:00
- Breakout Sessions | 13:00-17:00
- Host Hospitality Night | 17:00 (host-ticketed event)
- Contemporary Ballet Evening| 19:30-21:00 | Goyang Aram Nuri Arts Center (host-ticketed event)
- House of Friendship | 09:00-18:00
- General Session 3 | 10:00-12:00
- Breakout Sessions | 13:00-17:00
- Host Hospitality Night | 17:00 (host-ticketed event)
- House of Friendship | 09:00-16:00
- General Session 4 | 10:00-12:00
- On to Atlanta Convention Luncheon | 13:00-15:00 (Rotary-ticketed event)
- Breakout Sessions | 13:00-16:30
- Closing Ceremony | 17:00-19:00