K.R. Ravindran’s life was molded by family, country, and Rotary. Serving as Rotary president is his way of giving back to each of them.
"One of the reasons I work so much for Rotary is that I have been helped by so many people, and often you never have a chance to reciprocate,” he explains. “The only way you can is by helping others. When the people I help ask me, ‘What can I do?’ I say, ‘Go and help someone else in return.’”
"Ravindran says he doesn’t expect to leave a legacy as Rotary president, but he hopes to use his skills to leave the organization better than he found it – and pay forward his debts to all the people who got him where he is today. “Rotary molded me,” he says. “Rotary changed me, and that is why what I do for Rotary now is a hundredth of what I’ve gotten out of Rotary.”
Source: Diana Schoberg in The Rotarian. Photograph by Alyce Henson