The District Governor is an officer of Rotary International and her visit is equivalent to a visit by Rotary International. After the serious business, Governor joined us for fellowship dinner at Charter President Dato' Dr Subramaniam's home Governor also gave out The Rotary Foundation pins to Rotarians Thiaggu (PHF+1), Koek (PHF+2) and Yi Xin (PHF+3) Finally, we also celebrated the birthdays of President Gopaldhass, Rotarian Yi Xin and Charter President Dato' Dr Subramaniam
Powered air-purifying respirators are essential in the care of respiratory patients to prevent COVID-19 and other pathogen transmissions and cross-infections to health-care workers and other patients. 4 sets of PAPRs were presented to the SARI (Severe Acute Respiratory Infections) ward of Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim, Sungai Petani. Rotarian Arvind and Cheng Yi Xin were present to handover the items. We are thankful for the generous donations from Rotary Club of Puchong, Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur City Centre, Rotary Club of Bukit Angkasa, Rotary Club of Rahman Putra, Rotary Satellite Club of KLCC Kuantan Mandarin, Rotary International District 3300, Yayasan Kelab-Kelab Rotary Malaysia and Brickfields Asia College. RESULTS from WGM Event#7372 Malaysia Number of participants in the event: 98 Virtual WGM with Susanne and Mike Total donation to TRF Polio Plus program: US$4562.00 In conjunction with World Polio Day, the Rotary Club of Bandar Sungai Petani hosted the World's Greatest Meal to End Polio on 13th October 2021. The event was attended by Rotarians, Rotaractors, and friends of Rotary from different parts of the world. Speakers: Welcome by President Gopaldhass Chitaya District 3300 Governor Dato Bindi Rajasegaran Co-founder of World's Greatest Meal to End Polio Susanne Rea Rotary International PolioPlus Chair Michael K McGovern District 3300 PolioPlus Chair Dr Selva Kumar Sivapunniam Past District Governor Dr Baskaran Gobala Krishnan Moderator: WGM Country Coordinator PAG Prof Dr PK Rajesh Emcees: Rotarians Dr Parthiban Govindarajoo and Dhanesh Thavasi Kanoo Introduced the speakers: Past President Moorthy Kasinathan, Rotarians Remya Vallathol, Cheng Yi Xin and Prassana Krishnan Thanked the speakers: Rotarian Thiaggu Letchumanan Contribution to the polio plus fund: US$4562.00, transformed in US$13686.00 with the matching of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, funds for 22810 vaccines. This survey is only to find out the amount raised for Polio Fund via this event. This will be the amount reported to WGM. To donate to Polio Fund, go to Log in with your MyRotary account. Your contribution will be credited to your name, your Club and District. |
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November 2024