On 13 August, AIMST University students and lecturers spent their Saturday morning running a medical screening camp for the residents of Kampung Kuala Sin, near Bukit Selambau, Kuala Muda District. 20 medical students, 3 dental students, 4 Rotaract members, 12 lecturers including Deputy Vice Chancellor & Rotarian Prof Dr Rajesh were present to help screen the residents for health issues. 39 members of the community came forward for the checkup. Rotarians Choo, Dhanesh and Jeevan attended a Medical Screening Camp for residents of Sungai Division with students and lecturers of AIMST University at SJKT Palanisamy Kumaran today.
Lecturers and students of the Community Medicine Department of the Faculty of Medicine, AIMST University with Rotaract Club of AIMST University and Rotary Club of Bandar Sungai Petani ran a community medical camp for residents of Mukim Simpor at Dewan Simpor today. This is a predominantly fishing and rice cultivating community in Kuala Muda district. Specialists from the departments of Internal Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Ophthalmology were also present to provide expert consultation for those with medical problems detected during screening. We hope to improve the health and awareness of our community via these targeted medical camp programs. Stay Healthy with Rotary: Medical Screening and Education Camp in Kampung Rusa, Sungai Petani31/10/2015 Thanks to AIMST for their continued enthusiasm for the community and Mr Ong Jun Kok for sponsoring the medicines for patients. Hats off to you! Also, thanks to The Rotary Foundation for funding this project. Sharing a video of founder of Rotary, Paul Harris, created from an audio clip of a radio broadcast in 1933. 'If you have love of your fellow men in your heart, my friend, you are a potential Rotarian.' The third of our series of Medical Camps held in this Rotary year 2013-14 with the aid from The Rotary Foundation and together with RED Association of AIMST as well as AIMST medical lecturers was at Sik. The response was tremendous and the residents were most welcoming to our team. Headed by Dr PK Rajesh, Chairman of Servce Projects, the Rotary Club of Bandar Sungai Petani collaborated with enthusiastic lecturers and students of AIMST University to conduct a medical camp for residents of Kampung Sungai Division. There will be more such win-win-win collaborations in the offing. Thumbs up to all who pitched in! |
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November 2024