I am pleased to write to each one of you personally as I am about to conclude my year as your District Governor for the Rotary Year 2014-15 and also express my deep appreciation to all the wonderful Rotarians out there who have given me their wholehearted support and strength to ensure that we did have a good Rotary Year.
My Friends, I truly believe that had it not been for your cooperation, support, understanding and friendship it would not have been possible for me to have shouldered this heavy responsibility of being your District Governor.
I had the opportunity of singing my swan song at the “Light Up Rotary-Awards & TRF Night,” which concluded very successfully last Friday, 26th.June 2015 at the Bukit Jalil Golf & Country Resort which was organised by PDG Leslie Salehuddin and the District Training Team and Hosted Club by RC Subang ably led by President Siva. I would like to record once again my deep appreciation and thanks to all the Members of the Organizing Committee for having worked very hard over the past several weeks to put together the programme for the evening which I only hope will leave behind very lasting impressions of this Rotary Year. I was also deeply touched by the overwhelming response from the many Rotarians who had travelled from far and near to celebrate the joyous event where we were able to celebrate our continued commitment and dedication to humanity and the community.
Friends, I had accepted the Challenge of being the First Lady DG in our District’s 85 year history the day PDG Mansoor Saat made the announcement during his term as the Presiding Governor. Although it was a great honour no doubt, the office of the DG demands many responsibilities, commitments and expectations. (Not to mention a sprinkle of hate mails too) Our primary responsibilities being, to support the 3 Pillars of Rotary namely The Rotary Foundation, Membership Growth & Retention and Public Image.My friends, with all humility and the support and cooperation from my Team, I must report that we have performed remarkably well in all these 3 areas.
In Rotary Foundation, you have just witnessed that we have set a record of contributing about USD 350,000. This was only possible with the many Rotarians in the District who have contributed very generously and attained the status of Multiple Major Donors, Major Donors, Multiple PHFs and PHFs and not forgetting the fact that we have more than 98% of Clubs making a contribution to Our Rotary Foundation. We also recognise the various individuals and Clubs who helped us to make this happen and for this my Fellow Rotarians, I am indeed grateful to all of you. It is rather encouraging that Rotarians in our District are supporting our own Rotary Foundation.
In Membership Growth & Retention I believe we have a nett gain of more than 200 Members. It is heartening to note that we have Chartered 3 New Rotary Clubs, RC Lake Gardens, RC Nilai Central and the latest being RC Kampung Baru City Centre although unfortunately we lost the RC of Kampung Baharu. I am glad to report that we now have 77 Rotary Clubs in our District.
In the area of Public Image, I must again commend both the District as well as the Clubs for having received much coverage in the mass media such a TV, Radio and the Newspapers both in the English as well the Vernacular papers. If I may with all humility state that much of this has been received through our efforts in our maiden Rotary Kasih Project—which is a Student Life Transformation Project that has impacted a total of 771 school children from 15 schools. Together with the MyKasih Foundation, I am pleased to state that we have raised a total of RM.500, 000/for this academic year. Rotary Kasih was launched officially by RI President Gary Huang on 20thNovember 2014, when he visited our District in conjunction with “Rotary Day”.
“Light Up Rotary” is not just our theme for the year—it is a call for each of us to take action and make Rotary stronger. The Presidential Citation recognised Rotary Clubs that took action to increase their membership, enhance their service impact, and expand their network. In this regard it is gratifying to note that 60 of our Rotary Clubs qualified for the RI Presidential Citation and for this I must Congratulate all my Best Class Presidents and their members for having gone that extra mile not only to help the Clubs to qualify for the Presidential Citation but also helped 27 Of the Rotaract Clubs and 71 Interact Clubs to have qualified for the same Presidential Citation.
In the area of humanitarian efforts especially when our Country was affected with the recent floods, we spared no efforts to support the victims in the form of Cash donations as well as physical support and assistance. It was heartening to see so many of our Rotary Volunteers physically helping these victims on the ground. Again when the Earthquake recently struck Nepal we continued in our efforts to raise the much needed funds. As a District, we raised a total of RM.168,000 in addition to another RM.100,000 raised by some of the other Clubs in the District.
I must commend The Rotary Club of Bandar Utama and the Rotary Club of Bukit Bintang for having raised RM 250,000 through their "Panggilan Kinabalu" Concert as part of their efforts to help the Guides that were rendered jobless due to the Earthquake that struck closer to home front on the 5th of June 2015. Well done my friends!!
My Friends in addition to some of the above, I must in all sincerity confess that during my Club visits to all the 77 Rotary Clubs in the District,I was amazed to have seen and witnessed the level of dedication and commitment from the Rotarians in organizing projects which have left an impact to the Community. We have managed to report some of these in the Social media such as the Facebook, Governor’s Monthly Newsletter and I must share that I have always felt proud of the work that we as Rotarians have always been involved in. My advice to you all is to continue to do this as long as we live by the philosophy as aptly quoted by Mother Teresa, “In this Life we cannot do great things.We can only do small things with great Love.” Thank you My Friends you indeed “Light Up Rotary”.
Our Rotary Year 2014-15, has indeed been very remarkable, exciting and a Challenging year which no doubt will go down in the annals of the history of this great District. I am not very sure that we have completely resolved the outstanding issues for which much of our time efforts and resources have gone in. Only Time will tell…I am however as I am leaving my term as District Governor, very sure that I am leaving with some sense of satisfaction of making it a stronger and more vibrant District.
Incoming RI President K.R. "Ravi" Ravindran chose Be a Gift to the World as his theme for 2015-16. Ravindran urges Rotary members to give the gifts of time, talent, and knowledge to improve lives in communities across the globe. “Through Rotary, we can take these gifts and make a genuine difference in the lives of others and in our world.”
Rotarians in our District have stood for very strong principles of preserving our integrity and Rotary Values.
I pray that we continue to stand shoulder to shoulder to uphold those very principles that makes us Rotarians. Our culture does not have place for rudeness and being hurtful. We forget ourselves in moments of anger. I will certainly remember my term as DG and yet I will also take with me an imprint of those good things that have helped me grow personally, emotionally and certainly mentally in this Rotary year.
To my Best Class AGs, District Officers, Club Presidents and my entire team, I must proudly acknowledge that you have been the best team that I could have asked for. Thank you.
To Satvinder, who had forewarned me not to shower any accolades or praise on him, his patience and fortitude nor support for my term, I will listen to him. But I am sure each and every one of you could have imagined the tremendous support that I have received on the home front. Thank you my dearest Satvinder and my beloved sons, Hargobind and Harkishen for your patience, understanding and support.
With that my friends, I bid you adieu as you come together to make us Proud as a Rotary District and Rotarians and as you have“Light Up Rotary”…go on to make your Rotary Service a Gift to the World as stated by Mother Teresa, “The Fruit of Silence is Prayer, The Fruit of Prayer is Faith, The Fruit of Faith is Love, The Fruit of Love is Service, The Fruit of Service is Peace.”
I shall always hold dear this Rotary Term, just as how I would hold dear the experience of your Rotary Journey in Lighting up Rotary this Rotary Year.
Be Rotary Proud.
In Rotary Service,
Kirenjit Kaur
District Governor RY 2014-2015