In Rotary, every member stands equal. The only difference is our commitment when we take on office, be it at Club or District level, that office is entrusted with leadership responsibility, accountability and stewardship.
Today July 1st, 2015, 77 Club Presidents and 17 Assistant Governors join me in taking that oath of office to serve our Clubs and serve our District in a year long journey to promote the ideals of Rotary. Guided by our single motto of Service Above Self we take office with pride and honour. The year ahead is going to be an exciting year for all of us as we take the step forward and leave behind the past. The past is gone , the future is bright. A new chapter begins and a new page is write.
We are gifted to be Rotarians, gifted to have been given the gift of kindness, the gift of goodness, the gift of compassion and the gift of mercy. As Rotarians, we transform these gifts to do good in the world. Let’s begin by doing good in our own Club and in our own District. Together, let’s raise the Rotary flag high and dawn the Rotary pin with pride.
We have set our direction for the year with our District Goals and together with a team of dedicated and committed District Officers we shall work on achieving these goals and beyond. Our thrust is to strengthen every Club in the District, to rekindle goodwill and better friendship and to share Rotary. The District Calendar is filled with activities, activities for you to fill.
Our congratulations to IPDG Kirenjit Kaur and the District Team for RY2014-15 for the many accomplishments and steering the District to yet another level.
We wish every Rotarian in District 3300 the very best for the coming Rotary Year and wish you as World Class Leaders to Be a Gift to the World.
Enjoy Rotary!
In Rotary Service,
Warm Regards